Po lecie już dawno nie ma śladu, jesień w
pełnym rozkwicie a ja jeszcze wakacyjnych zdjęć nie zdążyłam oprawić.
Pora nadrobić zaległości. Dzisiaj moja Maja plażowa w towarzystwie uroczych papierów z kolekcji "Ocean's Melody" od Webster's Pages. Czy wiecie, że te papiery idealnie współgrają z dodatkami do innej morskiej kolekcji - "Solstice" od Pink Paislee? Wszystko to możecie znaleźć w Art Workshop.
Summer is gone, fall is in her full bloom but I still didn't have opportunity to frame our summer photos. Well... It's time to make things right Today my Maja on the beach in company of lovely papers from "Ocean's Melody collection from Webster's Pages. Do You know that those papers are the perfect macth with embellishments from different summer collection - "Solsctice" from Pink Paislee? All those goodies You can find in Art Workshop.
Summer is gone, fall is in her full bloom but I still didn't have opportunity to frame our summer photos. Well... It's time to make things right Today my Maja on the beach in company of lovely papers from "Ocean's Melody collection from Webster's Pages. Do You know that those papers are the perfect macth with embellishments from different summer collection - "Solsctice" from Pink Paislee? All those goodies You can find in Art Workshop.
Wow! I love the design - so unique!